Mother and child amid the tents in Rafah, southern Gaza. Image: Tdh / Abed Zagout.
21.06.2024 - von Killen Otieno, Plan International

Human catastrophe in Gaza: Call for urgent action

Urgent action is needed to address the unfathomable human crisis that has unfolded in Gaza, blogs Killen Otieno, Head of Global Rapid Response and Readiness Unit, Plan International.

In Gaza, what’s happening is not just a humanitarian disaster; it’s a human catastrophe of unfathomable proportions. Over 36,000 people have been killed in 8 months with thousands of girls and boys becoming victims of the violence. It is estimated two thirds of those killed are women and children. The psychological toll of this ongoing war, especially on children, is beyond comprehension. 

Last month weeks ago, the Israeli military’s expansion of operations to Rafah led to the displacement of over 300,000 people, according to the United Nations. This is just one instance of the many breaches of international law that have occurred in the past seven months.  

Famine looming 

The destruction in Gaza is staggering. Sixty percent of residential properties lie in ruins, while access to basic necessities like water, food, and electricity has become a luxury. The education and healthcare systems, once pillars of society, have been decimated. Famine looms as a threat to hundreds of thousands of children. According to the Gazan Ministry of Health 27 children have died due to malnutrition and dehydration.

The blockade of vital lifelines further exacerbates the suffering of innocent civilians, leaving them without access to life-saving assistance.

Adding to the urgency is the severe restriction or closure of primary supply lines for humanitarian aid, namely the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings. The blockade of these vital lifelines further exacerbates the suffering of innocent civilians, leaving them without access to life-saving assistance. Plan International and other humanitarian agencies have convoys of trucks loaded with relief supplies, but these are now stranded at the Rafah border crossing due to the ongoing blockade. 

Ceasefire NOW 

It is evident that the current state of affairs in Gaza is untenable and brutal. Urgent action is needed to address this human crisis and bring relief to the people of Gaza. Governments must stop the arms transfers immediately. It is too late to save the thousands of civilians who have been killed in their homes, hospitals, and schools, but it is not too late to stop enabling further suffering. 

We must continue to raise our voices to demand an immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire.

As concerned global citizens and as Plan International, we must continue to raise our voices to demand an immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire, and call upon world leaders to prioritise the protection of civilians and the delivery of unfettered humanitarian aid to Gaza. Every life lost is a tragedy, and every child deprived of a future is a failure of humanity. 

Together, we can make a difference as we demand a permanent ceasefire and work towards a peaceful resolution to end the suffering of all civilians and restore hope to this embattled region. 

My time in the Middle East 

In my role as the Gaza Emergency Response Manager for Plan International, I have worked alongside Plan International Jordan and had the profound and humbling experience of meeting with various humanitarian organisations operating under the most challenging conditions in Gaza. These encounters have deeply informed my perspective and the data I have gathered while working on the Emergency Response Plan for Gaza. 

The resilience and dedication of these organisations are nothing short of extraordinary. Despite the relentless obstacles, they persist in their mission to deliver aid and hope to a population in dire need. Their stories, coupled with the stark realities on the ground, underscore the urgency for immediate global action. 

As someone deeply involved in these efforts, I urge everyone to recognise the gravity of the situation and to advocate for the urgent measures needed to alleviate the suffering in Gaza. The time to act is now

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