Menschliche Katastrophe in Gaza: Aufruf zu dringendem Handeln
Es besteht dringender Handlungsbedarf, um die unfassbare menschliche Krise im Gazastreifen zu bewältigen, schreibt Killen Otieno, Leiter der Global Rapid Response and Readiness Unit von Plan International.Was sich in Gaza ...
Urgent action is needed to address the unfathomable human crisis that has unfolded in Gaza, blogs Killen Otieno, Head of Global Rapid Response and Readiness Unit, Plan International.In Gaza, what’s happening is not just ...
Our LEAP (Lifting Healthy, Empowered and Protected Girls and Women) programme in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh helps prevent early and forced marriage by educating young women and girls about their rights and available health services.
Natsumi can talk openly about subjects that many adults – never mind her teenage friends – shy away from. Contraception methods, gender-based violence, reproductive rights and sexually transmitted diseases are topics this 16-year-old regularly discusses with ease.
In Tamale, the capital of northern Ghana, passersby often stop to marvel at a crew of 10 tile layers laughing and trading quips at a local construction site. It’s not something they see every day. Why? Because six of the crew members are women. Our PASEWAY programme is providing vital business training to women and girls in Ghana, helping them develop skills and create job opportunities.
In Brazil, the Cambalhotas project is teaching girls how to protect themselves from violence. Working with children like 12-year-old Alana, we help them learn about their bodies, different forms of abuse and how they can seek help.
Überschwemmungen haben unverhältnismässig starke Auswirkungen auf Frauen und Mädchen, die stärker von Gesundheitsrisiken, gestörten Lebensgrundlagen und Bildungsproblemen betroffen sind. Als Mitglied der
Die Sicherheit der humanitären Helfer:innen muss garantiert werden, um die «kolossale» Aufstockung der Hilfe für Gaza zu unterstützen
Gaza, 5 April 2024 – Eine «kolossale» Aufstockung der humanitären Hilfe für den Gazastreifen ist sofort erforderlich, um das unnötige Sterben von Kindern zu verhindern, ihre Würde wiederherzustellen und ...